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Let\\\'s keep away from the derricks.

Let\'s pretend that we\'re on an island. 让我们装作在一孤岛上。
Let\'s raise our glasses to her. 让我们举杯向她祝贺。
Let\'s save the best for last. 让我们把最好的留在最后吧!
Let\'s see...cut out his eyes! 让我们看看,你能把他眼睛挖出来!
Let\'s talk about it some more. 我们再谈吧。
Let\\\'s keep away from the derricks. 咱们离吊杆远一点走。
Let`s help our good friend crocodile get back his happy toothy smile. 让我们帮助我们的好朋友鳄鱼,找回他的快乐的,露齿的微笑。
Let`s look at this a little closer. 让我们说的详细点。
Letan hydropower station, with a total installed capacity of 600 MW and a total investment of 4.024 billion Yuan, is one of the important electric supply project in Guangxi in the period of the tenth five-year plan in China. 摘要乐滩水电站工程是国家“十五”期间在广西投产的重要电源建设项目之一,工程总投资40.24亿元,电站总装机容量600MW。
Lethargy I - Slows enemy attack speed. 减慢敌人攻击速度。
Lethargy II - Slows enemy attack speed. 减慢敌人攻击速度。

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