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They look like they got shrunk in the wash.

They look intelligently, but in fact not, because they have no ability to adapt when the most majority of opportunities come to them. 这种人貌似聪明,其实是必败无疑的,因为他们对于将来会遇到的极大多数的机遇都没有一点适应能力。
They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last ring. 它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。
They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring. 它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。
They look like a team preparing for a long playoff run and are one of the few teams who have the kind of veteran presence needed to turn it on when it matters most. 虽然马刺的麻烦不断缠身,但他们仍然是联盟当中少有的几支有着丰富季后赛经验的球队。
They look like dry river beds, and suggest evidence that this ice trapped underground could have once existed on its surface. 它们看起来像干涸的河床,表明埋藏于地下的冰也许曾经位于地表。
They look like they got shrunk in the wash. 它们看起来像缩水了一般。
They look like this: homepage --> section page --> sub section page. 这样的机制看起来像是这个样子(类似首页>讨论区>你的讨论区)。
They look like... uh... well... cups. 看起来像是... 嗯... 杯子.
They look slightly different than normal walls. 它们看起来与普通的墙略微不同。
They look so docile and friendly now, but read the histories of India, Afghanistan, and Tibet to name a few. 而今英国人看起来又温顺又友好,可是读过印度,阿富汗和西藏的历史还有谁会这么觉得?
They look so made for each other when they walk hand in hand. 当他们手牵著手走时看起来彼此之间好速配喔。

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