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Remote sensing imagery study of neritic

Remarkable homology was ob-served by hybridization between plasmids pXZ7 and pXZ, the latter carries initself two Tn termini. 用仅带有Tn两个末端的质粒pXZ作为探针进行分子杂交,发现两者有同源性,说明质粒pXZ7是由Tn插入质粒pSC0所组成的。
Remarks on de Broglie Wave 关于德布罗意波的讨论
Remedy the Rapture of “Being " and “Oughtess 治疗“是”与“应该”的断裂
Remote Moniter System of Paging Base 寻呼基站远程监控系统
Remote complications and side effects were vasitis node(0.%), epididymal deposit (.8%), dragging pain in scrotum (0. 9%)and the pain in epididymis and spermatic cord (0. 0%). 远期的并发症和副作用:痛性结节(0.%)、附辜淤积(.8%)、阴囊坠痛(0. 9%)、附睾精索痛(0. 0%)。
Remote sensing imagery study of neritic 浅海遥感图片海底研究
Removal of Fluorescence in Cotton Linter Pulp 棉短绒浆中荧光物的脱除及机理研究
Removal of Ts cells from activated T cells in traumatized mice could significantly elevate IL- mRNA and IL- R a mRNA levels, reverse the changes of cAMP, cGMP, IP contents, Ca+ concentration, CaM, CaM-PK and PKC activities. 去除创伤小鼠活化T细胞中的Ts细胞,则可使其IL-mRNA及IL-RαmRNA水平明显升高。 并可使cAMP、cGMP、IP_ 含量、Ca~(+)浓度、CaM、CaM-PK及PKC活性的变化发生逆转。
Removal of epulis using a pulsed Nd: YAG laser 脉冲Nd:YAG激光治疗牙龈瘤9例初步报告
Removing Patch Cream Treatment of Chloasma and Freckle 祛斑霜治疗黄褐斑及雀斑的疗效观察
Removing nonspecific agglutinating factor activity of parrot serum in HI tests 鹦鹉血清非特异性凝集因子消除试验研究

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