Contains Garnicia Cambogia, Chitosan, Gymnema Sylvestre and Kola Nut, which together help accelerate metabolism and promote the burning of fat. |
中文意思: 含滕王果、蟹壳素、武靴叶及可乐果,有助促进新陈代谢,达到燃烧脂肪的效果。 |
Containing, full of, or sweetened with honey.
多蜜液的含有蜜的,充满了蜜或因蜜变甜的 |
Contains Chinese hibisci rosae-sinensis flower essence, tea tree oil, amino acids, aloe, carotene, chamomile essence, helps balance and smoothens the skin.
蕴含扶桑花精华、茶树油、氨基酸、芦荟、胡萝卜素、甘菊精华等、帮助均衡、柔滑肌肤。 |
Contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that promotes protein and fat metabolism and also helps to improve the ratio of muscle to fat.
含接合式亚油酸(CLA),促进蛋白质及脂肪代谢,减少身体脂肪,重组身体肌肉与脂肪比例。 |
Contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that promotes protein and fat metabolism and also helps to reconstruct the proportion of fat and muscle.
含接合式亚油酸(CLA),促进蛋白质及脂肪代谢,减少身体脂肪,重组身体肌肉与脂肪比例。 |
Contains Dong Guai, a well-known Chinese herb that improves blood circulation, boosts metabolism, monitors the menstrual cycle and relieves pain.
蕴含当归成份,具有调气养血、促进新陈代谢、调经镇痛之疗效。 |
Contains Garnicia Cambogia, Chitosan, Gymnema Sylvestre and Kola Nut, which together help accelerate metabolism and promote the burning of fat.
含滕王果、蟹壳素、武靴叶及可乐果,有助促进新陈代谢,达到燃烧脂肪的效果。 |
Contains Pearl, which recorded in “Chinese ancient medicine dictionary” with the performance of purification and white, Yu Zhu(Polygonum officinale), Bai Shao(Paeonia abliflora) and so on more than 10 kinds of the Korean herbs.
蕴含《东医宝鉴》中记载具有具净化、美白肌肤的白术、白芍、珍珠、白茯苓、绿萼梅等十多味韩药精粹。 |
Contains SYLODENTTM, an enamel-safe polishing agent that cleans your teeth and helps eliminate stains, including coffee, tea and tobacco. Whitens teeth without bleaching.
采用优质的SYLODENTTM亮洁粒子,以细致的研磨颗粒,有效去除牙菌膜及由咖啡、茶及香烟等所引起的牙垢膜而不损珐琅质,让牙齿洁白怡人。 |
Contains a blend of specially selected alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), naturally derived from sugar, citric fruit, apples and acerola cherries, which help enhance the metabolism and exfoliation of the skin.
结合蔗糖、橘子类水果、苹果及针叶樱桃等多种复合果酸萃取成分,可温和促进皮肤角质层的新陈代谢,有效加速死皮脱落兼发挥高度保湿及活肤的不同功效。 |
Contains a high concentration of Active LA Complex, in addition to the Wheat Protein and vitamin B5 to repair dry and damaged hair.
如要令秀发更靓、更具光泽,可定期使用仙姬深层滋养护发露作护理。 |
Contains a null-terminated string that is the name of a dialog-box template resource.
包含一个对话框模板资源的空终止字符串。 |