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Commit to reduce the maintenance cost and spare parts management.

Commissioner Foster is responsible for literature and arts. 福斯特专员负责文学艺术事务。
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 5当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。
Commit to accomplishing all tasks in a superior way. 努力以更好的方式完成所有任务。
Commit to diversity and social responsibility. 注意保持多样化及社会责任感。
Commit to give up attachment to self-defeating beliefs that sabotage your performance. 承诺对旧我的放弃——所有时时刻刻操纵你、摧毁你实现目标的思想和信念。
Commit to reduce the maintenance cost and spare parts management. 减少维修成本,管理闲置部件。
Commit yourself to constant improvement. 对自己承诺要不断改进自己。
Commitment An agreement by an individual or organization to complete a task within a certain timeframe. 买卖契约个人或机构在某一时限内完成一项任务的协议。
Commitment and communication was not strong. 对行动的承诺感以及沟通都不强。
Commitment to a customer service ideology is essential. 为客户服务的理念。
Commitment to each other – We must build up our trustworthiness and share the same amount of care, respect and communication amongst each other. 以人为尊-我们必须彼此建立诚信,并分享同等的关怀、尊重和讯息。

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