The Kingdom of Belgium is world-renowned for its beers, chocolates, waffles and gothic cathedrals.
比利时王国以啤酒、巧克力、松饼与哥德式大教堂享誉全球。 |
The Kingdom of Denmark is a constitutional monarchy that includes the self-governing territories of the Faroe Islands, in the Norwegian Sea, and Greenland, the world's largest island.
丹麦是君主立宪的国家,它还包括自治领地-位于挪威海的法罗群岛和世界上最大的岛屿格陵兰岛。 |
The Kingdom of God was once before established on earth.
神的国曾经在地球上建立过。 |
The Kingdom of Nepal, endowed with enchanted snowy peaks, lakes and caves, has been aptly described as the land of the Buddhas.
尼泊尔王国,一个赋予了长年覆盖着雪的山峰,湖泊与洞穴,巧妙地描绘成一个佛的国土形象。 |
The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later known as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) is proclaimed.
1918年,塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚王国(后来的南斯拉夫)宣布成立。 |
The Kings beat up on lowly Charlotte 135-120 at Arco, but then surprisingly did the same to the 6th seed 33-26 Lakers.
国王135比120击败了山猫,但惊奇的是同样击败了第六名33胜26负的湖人。 |
The Kings could tip their hat based on what free agent they court and/or eventually sign.
国王能够根据他们追逐或者最终签下谁来决定。 |
The Kings free agency moves will be highly dependent on if they rebuild or just remodel.
国王队在自由人市场中行动在很大程度上取决于他们是想重建还只是进行修补。 |
The Kings twice cut the lead to six, but Yao answered each time with turnarounds from the baseline.
国王曾两次把比分拉近到2分,不过姚明成功阻击了他们的每次反击. |
The Kinshasa Declaration is the culmination of a five-day conference held recently in Congo's capital.
金夏沙宣言乃是最近于刚果首都举行的5天会议的重头戏。 |
The Kiosk of the 2/F of Grandstand will provide refreshments, while the Sky High Restaurant at the same floor will be closed until further announcements.
设于看台大楼二楼之小食亭提供精美轻食,惟设于同楼层之「天马厅」餐厅将暂停开放,直至另行通知为止。 |