The story of Edgar Cayce properly belongs in the history of hypnosis.
埃德加·凯西的故事应载入催眠史。 |
The story of Helen Keller encouraged him to practice English more and harder than before.
海伦凯勒的故事激励他更加勤奋的学习英语。 |
The story of Psyche exemplifies many of the phenomena that psychologists seek to study: curiosity, envy, love, compassion, altruism, and perseverance.
普绪客的故事表现了心理学家们所研究的众多现象:好奇心、嫉妒、爱、同情、利他思想和坚定不移。 |
The story of Walter Raleigh who spread his cloak on the ground to keep Queen Elizabeth from the hardship of crossing a muddy puddle can qualify that nobleman for an award as a man of tact and good breeding.
沃尔特.拉尔夫将身上的大衣铺在地上,让伊丽莎白女王免受身陷泥潭之苦的故事,证明了他有资格因为机智而有教养的行为活得贵族称号。 |
The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
在1628年,有一艘大帆船在处女航开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。 |
The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press.
下面这户穷人一夜之间出名发财的故事戏剧性地说明了新闻报道威力。 |
The story of her checkered life on her success and breakdown as well as her love story beautifully unfold. Jewel in the Palaceis sure to touch your heart.
但长今不向命运低头,潜心学习医术,并融入宫廷膳食中,最后竟意外挽救王上的性命,受到国王的信赖,成为韩国第一位女御医,并受封为《大长今》。 |
The story of his adventures makes excellent reading.
他的冒险故事构成很好的读物。 |
The story of his miseries is beyond my belief .
他的悲惨身世令人难以置信。 |
The story of his miseries is beyond my belief.
他的悲惨身世令人难以置信。 |
The story of its near demise and dramatic turnaround shows how nonprofit lead-ers can pursue their visions while building enduring organizations.
它几近死亡却又戏剧性地起死回生的故事表明非营利领导可以追求他们的使命,同时建造持久的组织。 |