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Prepare the comparative and superlative degree of adj. and adv.

Prepare the BOM (Bill of Material) and define the cabling diagram. 整理出物料清单并对电气连接图进行说明。
Prepare the QC report and take initiative on the corrective actions. 编制质量报告,推动相关部门进行改进。
Prepare the bank reconciliation,report the daily balance. 编制银行余额调节表,每日资金情况汇报。
Prepare the banner before the group arrival. 在客人到达前准备条幅。
Prepare the buckler and shield, And draw near to battle. 3你们要豫备大小盾牌,往前上阵。
Prepare the comparative and superlative degree of adj. and adv. 预习形容词,副词的比较级和最高级。
Prepare the feast. Our armies triumph again. 准备盛宴,我们的军队又取得了一次伟大的胜利。
Prepare the infant's skin by making sure it is clean and dry. 婴儿皮肤准备,确保皮肤清洁干燥。
Prepare the necessary stationary and other office supplies for the HR Dept. 准备人力资源部必需的文具和办公用品。
Prepare the new project summarization, and transfer to series produce. 7编写新项目总结报告,并完成生产的移交。
Prepare the next unit for Monday. 准备星期一要上的下一个单元。

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