What exactly are the book keeper's responsibilities?
准确地说,记账员的职责是什么? |
What exactly are you driving at?
你到底是什么意思? |
What exactly do you want to buy?
你想买什么样的茶? |
What exactly does a music editor do?
究竟一个音乐指导做些什么? |
What exactly does unlimited storage mean?
无限量空间到底有啥意义? |
What exactly is Personality Profiling - Competency Analysis?
什么是人格潜质-胜任力分析? |
What exactly is the insanity that would allow so many to die for such an abstraction?
到底是怎样的疯狂,才会容许为某种抽象观念而牺牲如此众多的生命? |
What exactly is the problem?
确实的问题是什么? |
What exactly that impact will be, nobody really knows, although global warming is the most common bogeyman.
没有人会真正认识到这种冲击是甚末,--虽然已经出现了可怕的全球变暖现象。 |
What exactly you have to do to evolve your tribe is not specifically clear yet, but if the screenshots are anything to go by it looks as though you must use a trampoline to bounce one of your cavemen around the screen in order to catch falling collectable
怎样去发展进化你的部落,目前还不清楚,但是如果屏幕上出现了一些物品后,你必须使用绷床弹出你的原始人去收集那些物品。 |
What exams do they take to enter universities?
大学入学考试包括哪些课程? |