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Frankness is the child of honesty and courage.

Frankly, the way things are now, the King isn't truly safe to wander a kingdom that is supposedly his. 老实说,当前的状况下,国王也许不该在这本属于他的国土上随意旅行。
Frankly, they'd be lucky to get a handful. 坦率地讲,要是他能在场上顶几分钟,火箭就该庆幸了。
Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal. (坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。)
Frankly, yes, of course it does. 帕里:这是当然的。
Frankly, you are wrong. 说实在的, 你错了.
Frankness is the child of honesty and courage. 坦白出自诚实和勇气。
Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness. 直率表现出毫不讳言或真诚;直率
Franko:In USA our albums are distributed and get a good response. 我们的专辑在美国也有发行而且反应还不错。
Frank:But there is a shark coming toward us now. 但是前面有只鲨鱼正朝著我们来啊!
Frank:I got your email today, Jane. 法兰克︰阿珍,我今天收到妳的电子邮件。
Frank:It's not a big problem. It would just be better if you could be more concise. 法兰克︰这不是个大问题。若妳能更精简一点会更好。

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