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An objective analysis of the problems is made to probe into the reasons behind and present corresponding solutions to the problems mentioned.

An object, once in motion ,will keep on moving because of its inertia. 物体一旦运动,就会因惯性而持续运动。
An object, such as a cork or a wad of cloth, used to fill a hole tightly; a stopper. 塞子;栓子用来填紧洞孔的物体,如软木塞或一团布;塞子
An object, such as a spool or barrel, around which material is wound. 卷筒在其周围卷绕材料的物体,如线轴或线桶
An object-oriented information systems planning method is proposed. 摘要提出了面向对象的信息系统规划方法。
An object-oriented language and environment, together with the supporting method, should apply to the entire lifecycle, in a way that minimizes the gaps between successive activities. 一个面向对象的语言和环境,和支持方法一起,应该适用于整个生命周期,并在持续的使用中将其中的间隙减至最小.
An objective analysis of the problems is made to probe into the reasons behind and present corresponding solutions to the problems mentioned. 本文探讨了产生这些问题的原因,并由此提出解决这些问题的思路和设想。
An objective irony watches over us, it is the object's fulfillment without regard for the subject, nor for its alienation. 客体的反讽监视著我们,这就是客体的实现,它不在乎主体如何作为,或自我异化。
An obligee may reject the obligor's partial performance, except where such partial performance does not harm the obligee's interests. 第七十二条债权人可以拒绝债务人部分履行债务,但部分履行不损害债权人利益的除外。
An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. Often used with the. 挑战和嘲弄的手势一种违抗或嘲笑的淫秽的手势,将中指朝上指或戳,通常与the连用
An observable event. 迹象,表现可观察到的事物
An observant shop assistant had remembered exactly what the man was wearing. 有个机警的店员准确记得那个男子的穿著.

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