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What does Disney's dream city look like?

What does Anna's mother want to be? 安娜的妈妈想干什么?
What does Bill say to apologise for losing the bike? 比尔丢了自行车说些什么来道歉的?
What does Carlyle mean when he sums up the tendency of his era by saying, in Signs of the Times,Men are grown mechanical in head and in heart, as well as in hand? 在“时间的记号”文中,卡莱尔以“人的头脑,心智,双手变得像机器一样”这句话来总结他那个年代的趋势,请问所指为何?
What does Danny write in his card? 丹尼在他的贺卡上写些什么?
What does Dickens mean by Telescopic Philanthropy? How does he use the idea in the part of Bleak House we've read so far? 狄更斯所说的“行善到远方”是什么意思?以目前我们所读到的进度,他在作品《荒凉山庄》中如何运用这个概念?
What does Disney's dream city look like? 狄斯奈梦想中的城市看起来像什么样子呢?
What does Hagrid's hut smell like? 海格的小屋闻起来如何?
What does ISO refer to? 代表什么意思?
What does Johnson look like? 约翰逊长什么样?
What does Kant mean by a maxim? What is the difference between a categorical and a hypothetical imperative? 康德写了三篇定言令。你如何区别前两篇?为什么康德认为他们可归结为同一件事?
What does Li Jun look like ? -He's short with black hair. 李军长什么样?他个子矮小,一头黑发。

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