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He could not talk about out-of-the-body experiences, because he did not have any.

He could not shrug off the feeling that something was going to go wrong, his reply to Dumbledore's letter might have gone astray; Dumbledore could be prevented from collecting him; the letter might turn out not to be from Dumbledore at all, but a trick or 他无法摆脱心中的疑虑,总觉得会出什么差错:他的回信也许被送错地方;邓布利多可能被什么事情阻住,没法来接他了;也许那封信根本不是邓布利多写的,只是一个玩笑或者陷阱。
He could not solve the riddle . 他猜不出这个谜。
He could not solve the riddle. 他猜不出这个谜。
He could not speak clearly or correctly. 他讲得既不清楚又不正确。
He could not squeeze another thing into his suitcase. 他的皮箱不能再挤进其他东西。
He could not talk about out-of-the-body experiences, because he did not have any. 他说不出“身体以外的经历”,因为他没有什么可说。
He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热.
He could only say that there are over 250 units and those are moddable, so that should be enough. 他只说到时候将会有超过250个可以修改的单位,这些应该足够(给大家修改)了。
He could pass legislation thanks only to the leftish sympathies of most of Italy's seven (unelected) life senators. 幸亏上议院里面7位有左派倾向的终身议员(不用选举产生)“垂青”普罗迪,他才可以进行立法等相关活动。
He could play at 75 per cent if he had to but there is no need. 他现在就能发挥75的水平,但是我们暂时不需要。
He could probably recall some of McCulloch's jokes, which have become a feature of the England dressing room since he was poached from his job as masseur for Scotland, a place where gallows humour was a necessity under Berti Vogts. 他(特里)还能回忆起来一些麦卡洛克讲的笑话,自从他被从苏格兰队医按摩师的位子上挖来后,就成了英格兰更衣室里的风景线。

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