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That is what the Blessed One said.

That is what happened at the start of this week as money-market funds sold these IOUs, causing rates to spike as never before (see chart). 这就是本周发生的事,当货币市场基金卖出这些欠条,使得利率出现从未有的陡涨(见图)。
That is what happened in Wales in 1966, when a huge pile of coal waste tumbled down on the village of Aberfan, crashing into an elementary school and killing 116 schoolchildren. 1966年威尔士就曾发生过这样的事故,当时巨大的矿渣场在坍塌后冲向阿伯凡(Aberfan)村中的一个小学,造成116名学生死亡。
That is what happened to me driving cross-country last summer. 这正是我去年夏天在驾车横穿北美大陆途中所经历的情况。
That is what is mortifying! 这就是叫人伤心的地方!
That is what should stick in people's minds when the day comes. 那就是那天到来时人们头脑中出现的图景。
That is what the Blessed One said. 那就是薄伽梵所言。
That is what the Microsoft needs. 而这个,就是微软所需要的。
That is what the Second Creation will be based on. 第二创造将以此为基石。
That is what the pendulum theorists hope. 而那正式政局摆动理论家们所希望的。
That is what the principal can do. 在加拿大课外活动是非常广泛的。
That is what those outsiders who see the Islamic Republic as a crude despotism lacking popular support sincerely hope. 这是那些将伊斯兰共和国视为独夫专制的局外人所梦想的。

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