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He has been jogging regularly to trim down the194 pounds on his six-foot-one-inch frame.

He has been in quest for this photo for about two hours. 他用了大约两小时来寻找这张照片.
He has been in the abyss of despair. 他已陷入绝望的深渊。
He has been investigated and found blameless. 他已被调查,发现并无罪过。
He has been involved in many projects including The Little Mermaid , The Haunted Mansion , and The Great Mouse Detective . 他已经参与了许多影片,包括《小美人鱼》,《幽灵鬼屋》,《妙妙探》.
He has been jogging regularly to trim down the 194 pounds on his six-foot-one-inch frame. 他经常慢慢跑以减轻6英尺1寸身躯上的194磅的体重。
He has been jogging regularly to trim down the194 pounds on his six-foot-one-inch frame. 他经常慢慢跑以减轻6英尺1寸身躯上的194磅的体重。
He has been lacking in energy for some time. 他感到虚弱有段时间了。
He has been laid up with a broken leg. 他因腿折而躺卧床上。
He has been linked to volleyball star Gabrielle Reece, English actress Minnie Driver, porn star Jenna Jameson, Goldie Hawn∝s 16 year old daughter Kate Hudson and several strippers. 他曾经和排球明星加布里埃尔·里斯(老虎伍兹曾经追过的明星)、英国女演员米妮,德里佛、三级片明星珍娜·詹姆逊、著名搞笑影后戈尔迪·霍恩十六岁的女儿凯特·哈德森和一些脱衣舞女发生过绯闻。
He has been living in exile in India. 他一直在印度过着流亡生活。
He has been living in this house from his childhood upwards. 他从童年起到现在一直住在这所房子里。

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