Yes, he plans to launch a big attack on the enemy. |
中文意思: 真的,他计划要对敌国发动一场大规模的攻击。 |
Yes, gifts of gold are the things for Leo.
是的,金子做的礼物就是送给狮子座的东西。 |
Yes, go ahead. We're all listening.
是的,开始吧。我们都在听着。 |
Yes, go to the window over there which says foreign exchange.
可以,你到那边标示兑换外币的窗口去换。 |
Yes, he does seem to admire her, ’ admitted the housekeeper.
“是的,他的确似乎很仰慕她。”管家赞同道。 |
Yes, he had. / No, he hadn't.
是的,他告诉了。/不,他没有。 |
Yes, he plans to launch a big attack on the enemy.
真的,他计划要对敌国发动一场大规模的攻击。 |
Yes, he plays as an amateur.
没错,他喜欢踢球。 |
Yes, he speaks English perfectly.
是的,他英语讲得很纯正。 |
Yes, he's a stud pitcher entering his prime, but he's got 1,400 innings under his belt and is coming to a league in which he has never thrown a pitch.
是的,就他以前的表现来说是个可靠的支柱,但是他在来到大联盟之前已经投了1400局以上,而且并没有在大联盟投球过。 |
Yes, he's been there several times.
是的,他去过好几次了。 |
Yes, if I look back on the world I left behind, it's all so clearly.The beauty that waits to be aware, the mistery longs to be uncovered.
我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。 |