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But China is taking a risk.

But China has sabotaged its own strategy. 但是中国颠覆了自己的战略。
But China hasn't seen any magnification in its voice in the international market with the growth of its import volume. 但中国在国际市场上的话语权却没有因为进口额的增加而增加。
But China in recent years has experienced a serious waste of food in one way or another. 但在中国,近年来各种各样严重浪费粮食的现象比比皆是。
But China is also the world's fifth-biggest user of wind turbines, and the biggest consumer of the sort of solar panels used to heat water. 不过,中国还是世界上第五大风能利用国,也是最大的利用太阳能电池板加热水的国家。
But China is not about to change course dramatically. 这并不意味着中国要急剧改变。
But China is taking a risk. 不过中国这么做也很冒险。
But China said earlier this month it had stamped out the disease, which may have originated from migratory birds. 但是中国在本月早些时候宣布已扑灭了这种源自于候鸟的疫病。
But China surpassed even this benchmark last year. 但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。
But China wants to avoid an economic collapse in North Korea. 但中国想避免北朝鲜经济崩溃。
But China's state-owned enterprises seem less adroit at exploiting those assets. 但中国的国有企业似乎不那么善于利用这些资产。
But China's leaders are anxious. 但中国的领导人觉得焦虑。

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