Nearby, the emerging college city of Songjiang turned to a British engineering consultancy to construct an English-style community called Thames Town.
附近兴建的松江大学城聘请了一家英国的工程咨询公司,打造了一个名为泰晤士镇的英式社区。 |
Nearby, two young women advertised a special promotion at a local tanning studio.
附近,两名妇女在一个本地晒黑的演播室里给广告做一个特别节目。 |
Nearing his last year at MIT, he was on the cusp of a time of confusion, searching for a future that was both satisfying and compelling.
在麻绳理工快到最后一年了,也是他最困惑的时候,他在寻找一个既满意又刺激的未来。 |
Nearly $400 million (at face value) in continental money, quartermaster and commissary certificates of the central government, and paper money of the states was issued to defray wartime expenses.
发行了大陆货币、中央政府军需军粮券以及各州的货币近4亿美元(票面价值)用来支付战争开销。 |
Nearly 1 Danish baby in 20 is an test-tube baby, IVF is socially acceptable, the government pays for up to six cycles of treatment and waiting times are short.
几乎每20个丹麦婴儿中就有一个是试管婴儿,试管受精已被社会接受,政府为长达6个周期的治疗支付费用,而获得报销需要等待的时间很短。 |
Nearly 1.5 billion women in the world are of childbearing age, i.e. between 15 and 45 years old.
全球有近15亿育龄妇女,既15-45岁年龄的妇女。 |
Nearly 10 million Iraqis cast ballots in the October 15 referendum.
将近1千万伊拉克人参加了10月15号的全民公投。 |
Nearly 11,000 school children brushed their teeth at a seaside Manila park Sunday in an attempt to break a world record for a simultaneous brush-off and to try and reverse the prevalence of tooth decay among Filipinos, organizers said.
1月29日,大约11000名菲律宾小学生在位于该国首都马尼拉市的一座海滨公园举起牙刷清洁自己的牙齿,该活动组织者表示,此举的目的一方面是为了创造新的多人同时刷牙世界纪录,另一方面也是希望以此来向人们宣传防蛀牙的知识。 |
Nearly 12,000 kilometers away, 32-year-old New Yorker Michael Weitz spends his days looking for a new job. His entire department was recently downsized, throwing over 200 people out of work.
在大约一万两千公里外的地方,三十二岁的纽约人麦可怀兹把他的时间都用在找新工作上。他的整个部门最近缩减编制,使超过两百人失业。 |
Nearly 160 years later, New York - the city that now holds the largest amount of the world's monetary gold in the Federal Reserve Bank - hosts the biggest exhibition of the precious metal.
将近160年后,纽约市的美国自然历史博物馆主办了最大规模的黄金展览,拥有世界最多的货币黄金的联邦储备银行就坐落在纽约。 |
Nearly 18,000 residents have moved to Lower Manhattan since 2001, a 30% increase.
自从2001年以来,有将近18000人搬进了曼哈顿地区,同比增长30%。 |