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Bai wangang. Subliming the organizational intelligence quoient, advancing the core competence[N]. The World Handlers Weekly, 2004-04-30.

Bai Jie scored in the 16th minute as China beat Russia 1-0 Sunday night to claim first place in Group D Women's World Cup play. 开赛第16分钟,中国队前锋白洁射球成功,最终中国女足以1比0战胜俄罗斯队,在世界杯女足赛D组最后一场比赛中以小组第一的身份进入前八强。
Bai Ming tells us this kind of fish is often used to cheat consumers. 白明说,这种于经常被用来欺骗消费者呢。
Bai Yan (Female) was born in Shan Dong in 1959. 女,1959年生于山东聊城市。
Bai Yuan: Assistant professor, advisor of postgraduates, now teaching in the Dep artment of Foreign Trade and Economics in Beijing Second Institute of Foreign La nguages(BSIFL). 白远,本科就读于北京第二外国语学院英语系,之后在日本、美国攻读硕士,主修世界经济。
Bai said that young people are showing plenty of interest in the product, with the number of nighttime phone inquiries running about triple those of the daytime. 产险公司董事长白文仁:年轻人反而居多,第二晚上来电要承保的居多,晚上来电数大概比白天多3倍。
Bai wangang. Subliming the organizational intelligence quoient, advancing the core competence[N]. The World Handlers Weekly, 2004-04-30. 白万纲.升华组织的智商,有效提升核心竞争力[N].世界经理人周刊,2004-04-30.
Baia de Golfinhos has an exceptional population of resident dolphin and at low tide the Rocas Atoll provides a spectacular seascape of lagoons and tidal pools teeming with fish. 在拜亚海区生活有大量海豚,在落潮期,罗卡环形礁给游客展示出一幅怡人的海岸美景,泻湖和潮水坑星罗棋布,里面还有各种鱼类。
Baidu chose a poetic Chinese name because it wants the world to remember its heritage. 百度选择了一个充满诗意的中文名字,因为它想要的世界记忆遗产.
Baidu to account for 80% of total revenue in competitive rankings as an example, users click on search results every time. Baidu earned 0.3 yuan. 以占百度总收入的80%的竞价排名业务为例,用户对搜索结果每点击一次,百度就赚0.3元。
Baifu has experienced many years' hard work and we are always adhering to our enterprise philosophy of “Quality Supreme”. 在多年的生产经营中,公司一直奉行“以质为本”的经营理念。
Baige Leather Trade co., ltd is a professional handbags manufacture company. 百格皮具贸易有限公司是一家集设计、制造、销售为一体的专业手袋公司。

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