The precession of the vernal equinox from the Sun's entry into Aries to some point in Pisces, with similar consequences for the summer solstice, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice, has led to two different methods of calculating the samkranti (entry) o
春分点的岁差运动过程中,太阳从白羊座进入双鱼座的某一点上,夏至,秋分和冬至也有相似的结果,已经引致了太阳进入一个星座的两种不同计算模式。 |
The precious and childlike giant panda is a rare animal and a national treasure of China. It is also an envoy of peace and friendship for the world.
大熊猫是世界珍稀动物,是中国的国宝。弥足珍贵,憨态可掬的大熊猫已成为世界和平友好的使者。 |
The precious gifts a child desires involve time.
孩子渴望得到的珍贵礼物是时间。 |
The precious opportunities and the tremendous challenges at the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground (forefront) of the historical arena (stage).
他所审视的那个国家,从某些重要的意义上来说,诞生于他自己的国家,并在某些方面仍与他自己的国家相差无几——然而,它却实实在在是一个异邦。 |
The precious opportunity as well as great challenge offered at the turn of the century has brought the Chinese youth to the historical stage.
跨世纪青年一代应该用什么样的姿态迎接充满希望的新世纪,这是我们必须回答的问题。 |
The precious particles on Stardust do not have all the answers to these eternal questions.
星尘号上的珍宝并不能回答所有这些永恒的问题。 |
The precious sons of Zion, Comparable to fine gold, How they are esteemed as earthen pitchers, The work of the hands of a potter.
2锡安宝贵的众子,好比精金,现在何竟算为窑匠的手所作的瓦瓶。 |
The precious sons of Zion, Weighed against fine gold, How they are regarded as earthen jars, The work of a potter's hands!
哀4:2锡安宝贵的众子、好比精金、现在何竟算为瑶匠手所作的瓦缾。 |
The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!
2锡安宝贵的众子好比精金,现在何竟算为窑匠手所作的瓦瓶。 |
The precious stone globe is an exquisite art,which is made in proportion to different shape and distribution of every county.Through thirfy intricate and elaborate handmade steps,it is made by nearly thirty kinds of natural precious stones.The eastern &we
本公司生产的宝石地球仪系列,是一项超精工艺艺术品,它是根据世界各国地形及海域分布按其标准比例,采用近三十种天然宝石,经过近三十套复杂而精细的手工序组砌而成,并采用金属金银线标出各国家和地区的名称,再配以设计精巧的纯铜立体架制作而成,一种极富典雅风范,又具收藏价值的高级艺术品,它代表着拥有者之高尚品质,又意味着成功者之尊贵地位,更是高层人士之馈赠宝物,其作为公司及家庭之艺术陈列,更添皇室风采,气派非凡。 |
The precipitating event will likely be unexpected -- perhaps even to the researchers involved. (But all our previous models were catatonic!
这突如其来的事前很可能是未可预料的,即使对于密切关注它的研究人员亦如此。 |