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L:It's country code 63,City code 2,and home number346-9088.

L:Here's fifteen. Give me three back. 这里有15元,找给我3块钱就好了.
L:How about one cream of fish soup,two cream of chicken soups,and three portions of prawns? 来一份奶油鱼汤,两份奶油鸡汤,三份对虾怎么样?
L:I am going to watch over the storehouse for another night.I wanna catch the thief by myself.otherwise,I won't be the chief captor in the town of Qiantang? 李公甫:今晚我再去守一夜,我要亲手抓到那个贼,要不然我这个钱塘县的班头还怎么当得下去?
L:I hope you could give me some hints to solve the case. 李公甫:是啊,三姨夫人开导手下,也好早日破了此案。
L:I.d like to make a collect call to Manila,the Philippines please. 我想挂个对方付费电话到菲律宾的马尼拉.
L:It's country code 63,City code 2,and home number346-9088. 号码是:国家代码63,城市代码2,家里的号码是346-9088。
L:It's like this: thing's shining first,and then as time goes by,it turns to fade away,and eventually it's just not there any more.Shine....It's stupid,but I don't know why.It just came cross my head.Because I think I used to shine, you know,after all the 就像这样,它一开始很闪烁,然后,时间渐渐溜走,它便暗淡失色了,其实,它只是不在那里了.闪烁...它很愚蠢,不过我不知道为什么.这种想法一直在我的脑中.因为,我认为我曾经闪烁,你知道的,在所有的开刀和药物治疗后,我认为,它已经不属于我了.
L:Oh,here's a bus stop. 啊,这里有站牌。
L:RMB to dollars,please. 请把人民币换为美元.
L:Shall we have to hand in any relevant documents to explain why we are doing this? 谢:是的,请您按这份清单提供有关资料。我们将对您公司进行注销税务登记核查。
L:This is room 501.Can you bring up a continental breakfast? 这里是501号房,能不能送我一客欧式早餐上来?

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