Iraqi officials also say 60 bodies have been found in the Baghdad area in the past day, all with gunshot wounds and some showing signs of torture, likely the latest victims of sectarian death squads.
伊拉克官员还说,过去一天里在巴格达地区发现了60具尸体,尸体上都有枪伤,有的还有受刑的痕迹,很可能是被巴格达教派冲突中的杀人队打死的。 |
Iraqi officials say public discord encourages sectarian violence.
伊拉克官员表示公开的不和助长了宗派之间的暴力冲突。 |
Iraqi police in the northern town of Mosul say gunmen have killed a cameraman working for the A ociated Pre .
在伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔的伊拉克警方说,枪手打死了一名为美联社工作的摄像记者。 |
Iraqi police in the northern town of Mosul say gunmen have killed a cameraman working for the Associated Press.
在伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔的伊拉克警方说,枪手打死了一名为美联社工作的摄像记者。 |
Iraqi police say the attacker walked up to a group of men waiting for work on construction sites and detonated explosives strapped to his body.
伊拉克警察说,袭击者走到一群等候在建筑工地工作的人旁边,引爆了绑在身上的炸药。 |
Iraqi staffs in the Public Affairs sector have complained that Islamist and Militia groups have been negatively affecting daily routine.
伊拉克公共事务部门工作人员抱怨伊斯兰激进组织和民兵扰乱了他们的日常事务。 |
Iraqi troops gave up en masse.
伊拉克军队全体投降。 |
Iraqi voters will go to the polls to elect a 275-seat interim national assembly, that will be responsible for writing a new constitution.
伊拉克选民将选出有275个席位的伊拉克临时国民议会,而这个议会将会负责起草新宪法。 |
Iraqi workers were the targets of shootings and car bombings from a Shiite mosque to a police station.
伊拉克的工人们成为什叶派清真寺和警察局两方射击及汽车轰炸的牺牲品。 |
Iraqis began celebrating in the streets of the capital.
伊拉克人也开始在首都街头庆祝。 |
Iraqis can be justly proud of their new government and its early steps to improve their security.
伊拉克成功组建新政府表明了她向改善安全状况迈出了第一步,伊拉克人民应该为此感到骄傲。 |