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A complete version of the Global Investment Prospects Assessment 2005-2008 will be available on the UNCTAD website (www.unctad.org/gipa ) and in hard copy in October 2005.

A complete set of assignments are available for this course, and are complemented by vocabulary resources for the readings. 这里备有这门课程的所有作业,另有补充字汇资源线上查询方便学生进行阅读。
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested eligible bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of (amount). 有兴趣的合格投标者可向上述地址提出书面申请并交付一笔不可退用的金额,即可购买一整套投标文件资料。
A complete set of recitation notes, along with exams and samples of the labs are shown for this subject. 在这门课里包含一系列的复习课笔记、考试、实验课的例子。
A complete textbook-in-progress by the instructor, presented in PDF format, is the centerpiece of the course. 由本课程讲师正在编写的教材(以PDF文档的形式在这里给出)是本课程的核心。
A complete understanding of the coagulation cascade and how certain medications affect it is essential for our practice of regional anesthesia and analgesia. 对于凝血链的完整理解及如何确定药物的影响对于我们实施局部麻醉与镇痛很重要。
A complete version of the Global Investment Prospects Assessment 2005-2008 will be available on the UNCTAD website (www.unctad.org/gipa ) and in hard copy in October 2005. 可在联合国贸易与发展会议网站查询全球投资展望评价的完整版本,印刷版将于2005年10月提供。
A completed, dragon-shaped lantern in the Chinese Garden in Singapore. 新加坡中国公园里面放着一个完整的巨龙灯笼。
A completely revamped training module simplifies training schedules and players' training progress, with your coaches becoming far more important members of backroom staff. 一个完全修改的训练模板简化了训练时间表和球员的训练进步,你的教练成为你身后工作人员中更重要的成员。
A complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subject. 颂:一种复杂的,具有一定长度的诗歌,通常以高贵的风格写成,用来表述一些高尚或严肃的主题。
A complex branched carbohydrate commonly associated with sieve areas of sieve elements. 胼胝质一种枝条繁杂的碳水化合物,与筛网原素的筛网区域相配合
A complex cytoskeleton of F-actin filaments and microtubules is often present, and appears to control the structure of the cytoplasm, cell movements, and movements of the cytoplasm and conformation of the membranes. 微丝和微管构成的复杂的细胞骨架存在于细胞质中,细胞骨架维持着细胞质的结构,细胞运动,胞质流动以及细胞膜的构象。

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