Their company is in a financial swamp.
他们的公司陷入了财政困境。 |
Their company sell partly to foreign markets.
他们公司部分向国外市场销售。 |
Their complaint was about plans to build a waste incinerator in the north-west of the city, which they said could spread toxic chemicals.
他们的抱怨是关于计划在城市的北方西边建造一个废物焚化炉,他们说这样将使有毒的化学制品传播。 |
Their concern is epitomized by another Heston movie: The Omega Man, in which humanity dwindles to nothingness.
他们所关注的焦点,就浓缩在却尔登希斯顿主演的另一部电影「死亡城」之中;在这部电影中,人类会完全灭绝。 |
Their conclusions are open to dispute .
他们的结论可供商榷. |
Their conclusions were strikingly similar to the Copenhagen Consensus.
他们的结论与哥本哈根共识几无二致。 |
Their conclusions will be the same, however, because their observations can be empirically verified.
然而,由于他们的研究经过主观的修正,结论还是相同的。 |
Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.
他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。 |
Their consummate musical attainments, exquisite artistic accomplishment and the splendid and typically Russian stage setting provided the Chinese audience exotic cultural enjoyment.
精湛的音乐造诣,深厚的艺术修养以及美丽而富有浓郁的俄罗斯风情的舞台背景给中国观众带来了异域的文化享受。 |
Their content is often paradoxical.
它们的内容经常是荒谬的。 |
Their contracts contain a no-strike clause.
他们的合同中包含有不罢工的条款。 |