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Any gambling, illegal, criminal or immoral activities shall be prohibited inside the Leased Premises.

Any functionaries of other State organs who, in violation of State regulations, engage in malpractices for personal gain in providing certificates for exports tax refund such as the declaration forms for exports and the verification and writing off docume 其他国家机关工作人员违反国家规定,在提供出口货物报关单、出口收汇核销单等出口退税凭证的工作中,徇私舞弊,致使国家利益遭受重大损失的,依照前款的规定处罚。
Any functionary of a State security organ shall, when performing a task for State security pursuant to law, bring forth a reconnaissance certificate issued by the Ministry of State Security or other appropriate certificate. 国家安全机关工作人员依法执行国家安全工作任务时,应当出示国家安全部侦察证或者其他相应证件。
Any further awards are at the discretion of the organising committee. 其它奖项由组委会判断授予。
Any further recalls will sully their reputations, perhaps irreparably. 再有任何召回事件都会玷污它们的声誉,而且可能无法挽回。
Any gain or less on early extinguishment of debt is classified as extraordinary. 早期消除债务的得失被归类为非常项目。
Any gambling, illegal, criminal or immoral activities shall be prohibited inside the Leased Premises. 不得利用房屋进行赌博或任何违法、犯罪或不道德的活动。
Any gift of money and/or material must be given voluntarily. 所有捐款和捐物必须遵从自愿原则。
Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid. 任何一个姑娘都可以是迷人的,你所要做的就安静的站着使得看上去傻傻的。
Any good planner will be no good at all if you do not work accordingly. 如果你不遵照实行,任何好的计划根本上都是无益/用的。
Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts. 一个好的演讲者会用事实来加强他论点。
Any gossip will put friendship in jeopardy. (任何流言蜚语,都会使友谊置于险境。)

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