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As I was sitting down to supper, the telephone must ring.

As I was returning from Paddan, to my sorrow Rachel died in the land of Canaan while we were still on the way, a little distance from Ephrath. 7至于我,我从巴旦来的时候,拉结死在我眼前,在迦南地的路上,离以法他还有一段路程,我就把她葬在以法他的路上。
As I was running late just now, I decide to take a cab. 刚才时间有点紧,所以我决定搭计乘车。
As I was saying to him, he's a great player but in this moment Makelele looks unbeatable. 正如我告诉过他的,他是很棒的球员只是目前马克莱莱的状态更佳。
As I was saying, people in China often ride bikes to get somewhere. 就像我说的,在中国人们到什么地方去常常是骑自行车。
As I was sitting at the bar having an after dinner drink, I heard the most beautiful piano music behind me. 当我坐在酒吧点了杯餐后饮品时,我听到身后传来最美妙的钢琴声。
As I was sitting down to supper, the telephone must ring. 正当我坐下来用晚餐的时候,偏偏电话铃就响了。
As I was telling you, we mustn't look down upon him. 正如我告诉你的那样,我们不能瞧不起他。
As I was very close to the Louvre, I would loiter in the palace the whole morning. 因为住处离罗浮宫很近,我就整个上午“泡”在罗浮宫里。
As I watched , the whole world seemed to swim away before me in a mist — Silver , the birds above , the tall Spyglass hill . 看到这一切,整个世界像一团雾飘离而去——西尔弗、头上的鸟儿、高高的望远镜山。
As I'm not someone who's very expressive and passionate. 我我不是一个很有表现欲和激情的人。
As I've been lying wide awake for a couple of hours, I know I've come in for it again tonight. 毫无睡意地躺了一两个小时之后,我知道今晚又要失眠了。

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