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Carefully dissect through the pericardial sack .

Careful! Caregul! That reactor is unstable! 注意!注意!那个原子反应堆不稳定!
Carefully choices should be made in respect to types, specifications and number of layers based on operation conditions. Strength safely coefficients must meet with the requirement listed in table below. 根据实际情况仔细选择合适的型号、规格和胶布层数的输送胶带。其强度安全系数要符合下表规定。
Carefully choose attribute types and lengths. 仔细选择字段的类型与长度。
Carefully consider the features of an effective visual aid after reviewing course materials. 复习完课程材料后,仔细思考“有效的视觉辅助教材有哪些特征”这一问题。
Carefully cut the short dotted lines in the fold position.Stop at the soild black line! 在折痕上小心地裁剪短的那条虚线,剪到黑色实线位置为止!
Carefully dissect through the pericardial sack . 谨慎的剥离心包膜。
Carefully flash open her cloak. 要仔细看哦。
Carefully insert the bulb one-half inch to one inch into your baby's rectum. 将温度计小心地插入宝宝的直肠0.5到1英寸。
Carefully inspect the column for damage or breakage. 仔细检查柱是否破损。
Carefully manage your time. It's your scarcest and least renewable resource. 妥善利用时间,时间是最稀罕的及不可能再得的资源。
Carefully mix the inoculum and the medium. 仔细混合接种物和培养基。

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