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As an example of hydrostatic pressure driving system for military vehicles, numerical simulation and measured results indicate that application of hydrostatic driving system leads to significant energy-saving and cannon weight reduction, thus improving ca

As an engineer, he can recognise a kludge when he sees one. 作为一名工程师,他一眼就能识别出那些尚不成熟的技术。
As an environment-protecting water-borne coating, the cathodic electrophoretic coating has wide application prospects. 摘要阴极电泳涂料作为一种环保型的水性涂料,具有广阔的应用前景。
As an event with a ten year long history, the Tour of the South China Sea Cycling Race has gained a good reputation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. 作为一项已经具有十年历史的赛事,环南中国自行车赛在粤、港、澳三地均有一定的影响。
As an everlasting possession I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all the land of Canaan, and I will be God to your descendants. 我要把你们居此不久的这片土地,即全部迦南的土地赐给你和你的后代,作为永久的财产。我是你子孙后代的上帝。
As an exaggeration, we can't fill a $500 order if it is spread over 250 factories at $2 each! 夸张的形容一下,我们不可能将500美元的定单分给250个工厂,每个两美元。
As an example of hydrostatic pressure driving system for military vehicles, numerical simulation and measured results indicate that application of hydrostatic driving system leads to significant energy-saving and cannon weight reduction, thus improving ca 数字仿真及实测结果表明:火炮采用静压驱动后有明显的节能效果,并减轻了火炮的重量,从而改善了火炮作战、转移的机动性,这军事车辆静压驱动提供了範例。
As an example of practical engineering in the paper, the method to determinate groundwork disposing mode and foundation form by using of the drilling results of cultural relic is presented. 以实际工程为例,谈谈结合文物钻探图选择建筑地基处理方法与基础型式的一些尝试。
As an example of such unintended effects, co ider public policy toward seat belts and auto safety, in the 1950s few cars had seat belts. 对于安全带和汽车安全考虑的公众政策的非故意的影响的一个例子,因此,在五十年代只有极少的汽车有安全带。
As an example of such unintended effects, consider public policy toward seat belts and auto safety, in the 1950s few cars had seat belts. 对于安全带和汽车安全考虑的公众政策的非故意的影响的一个例子,因此,在五十年代只有极少的汽车有安全带。
As an example of the dishes with excellent color, good smell, delicious taste and delicate shape, the cooking quality of steamed pork with rice flour depends on its scientific and reasonable compatibility and ingenious cooking methods. 摘要粉蒸肉作为色、香、味、形俱佳的菜品典範,取决于科学、合理的配伍和巧妙的烹制方法。
As an example of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year. 说到爱心的力量,我们马上就会想起每年中国各族人民是如何响应号召支援自然灾害受害者的。

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