If John 3:16 had said that God loved Henry Moorhouse, I could have thought it meant the other Henry Moorhouse.
如果在约翰福音3章16节上写著上帝爱亨利.摩豪斯,我可能会认为那是另一个亨利.摩豪斯呢。 |
If John had come straight home none of this would have happened. Ah well, life is full of snares and pitfalls and no one is proof against them all.
要是约翰直接回家就不会发生这种事了。算了吧,生活充满了诱惑和风险,没有人能挡得住的。 |
If Johnson has any self-respect, he will demand the demotion of police officers who decided to act as a law unto themselves.
如果约翰逊有些自尊的话,他就会要求把那些准备不顾法规而自行其是的警官们降职。 |
If Jones had feloniously administered arsenic to his wife, it seemed clear that it could not have been done in any of the things eaten at supper, as all three persons had partaken of the meal.
如果琼斯惨忍的毒死了他的妻子,当三个共同享用晚餐时,那些食物看起来似乎没有任何的问题。 |
If Jupiter and the Moon in any nativity shall be very weak and afflicted though other positions seem never so promising, yet the Native shall be exceedingly unhappy.
木星或月亮在命盘中非常虚弱且受伤,即使其他星象结构相左,命主还是会很抑郁。 |
If Juval was not his home, signs of Neolithic occupation at other locations in the immediately adjacent Vinschgau (Val Venosta), the valley of the River Etsch (Adige), offer other possibilities.
如果居佛不是奥兹的家乡,那麽,居佛附近的文许高,就是阿第及河河谷,也有一些新石器时代遗址的迹象,都是可能地点。 |
If Juve are secure, then the final few rounds will be a battle royal between Napoli and Genoa for the last remaining automatic promotion place.
如果说尤文是升级无忧的,那么最后一个直接升级的名额将在那不勒斯和热那亚之间产生。 |
If Juve top the table and therefore earn automatic promotion, their last fixture should be on June 10 at home to Spezia.
如果尤文一直排在积分榜前列并且自动升甲的话,他只能在家看6月10日对斯佩齐亚的比赛了。 |
If King is confirmed as being fit enough to start, he would be likely to sit at the base of a midfield diamond, also incorporating Lampard, Steven Gerrard and David Beckham.
如果金被确定适合首发,他将可能被安排在菱形中场的底部,与兰帕德,杰拉德和贝克汉姆合作搭档。 |
If Kosovo can be partitioned, why not Macedonia and Bosnia?
如果科索沃可以分割,马其顿和波斯尼亚为什么不可以呢? |
If Kosovo remains unresolved and restive, the EU will not admit Serbia as a member.
如果科索沃问题悬而未决且难以控制,欧盟不会承认塞尔维亚为一个成员国。 |