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We can't publish this book in your name.

We can't pass judgement on that unfortunate race. 我们无法对那个不幸的民族作出判断。
We can't pass this point by. 此点不能忽略。
We can't prevent what we can't predict. 我们不能预防我们所不能预知的。
We can't produce products of high quality with such slovenly working habit. 这样马马虎虎的工作习惯决不能产出优质产品来。
We can't publish all the letters we receive. 我们不能刊登所有收到的信。
We can't publish this book in your name. 我们可不可以以你的名义出这本书.
We can't rule out the possibility that she was murdered by her husband. 我们不能排除她被她丈夫谋杀的可能性。
We can't run in the hallways . 我们不能在走廊里跑。
We can't say whether a language (dialect) is good or bad, but we will have different evaluations on different languages, because of the difference of age, sex, educational level, habitation and cultural background, etc. 摘要语言(方言)本无好坏之分,但是由于人们年龄、性别、文化程度以及所处的环境、文化背景等的不同,往往对不同的语言作出不同的评价。
We can't say whether his theory will stand the test by far/up to now . 到目前为止,我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验。
We can't say yes to every request. 我们不能答应每一个要求。

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