Quarrels of lovers but renew their love.
情侣的争吵只是在温习他们的爱情而已。 |
Quarrelsome dog get dirty coat.
好斗的狗不会有好皮毛。 |
Quart crystal devices and materials, sensors and materials, resistors, potentiometers, capacitors and ti-srseries ceramics powder, high performance electronic ceramic material and parts, industry furnaces, various electric instruments and specific equipme
主要产品:石英晶体材料和器件,敏感材料和元器件,电阻器,电容器及钛锶系统瓷粉,高性能电子陶瓷材料及结构件,工业窑炉,无线电测试仪器和专用设备。 |
Quartan ague kill old men, and cure young.
三日疟,青年能治好,老人见阎王。 |
Quarter is the basic knack for love. Forgive your lover's faults, because you are the one who loves him most.
宽大是基本的要诀,对爱侣的错误,以宽大的态度原谅他,因为你是最爱他的人。 |
Quarterly Journal of Economics.
经济学季刊》历史悠久的经济学刊物,美国哈佛大学经济系编辑。涉及经济学研究领域的各个方面,侧重从微观理论到基于经验和理论的宏观经济学研究。 |
Quartz Second Boiling High Pure Water Distiller is made to choose excellent quarlz glass,distilled water doesn't touch any mental.
石英亚沸高纯水蒸馏器选用优质石英玻璃制成,蒸馏水不与任何金属接触。 |
Quartz fibre strengthen Bis maleimide BMI composite material have low to dielectric loss angle, able to bear high temperature, damp and hot, good mechanics performance.
摘要石英纤维增强双马来酰亚胺树脂复合材料具有低介电损耗、耐高温、耐湿热及良好的力学性能。 |
Quartz watches owe their low cost to integrated circuits and their superior accuracy to the oscillator's high frequency of 32,768 vibrations a second.
石英錶藉助积体电路降低价格,并且因震盪器的频率高达每秒3万2768次而大幅提高准确度。 |
Quartz: Removes negative energy - Universal conduit. Amplifies, focuses, stores, transforms, energies.
石英:移走负面能量—宇宙管道。放大、聚焦、存储、转换能量。 |
Quasar is short for quasi-stellar radio source.
类星体是“类似恒星射电源”的缩写。 |