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This paper introduces the salt assistance to Pd-catalyzed Suzuki, Heck, Stille and Sonogashira reactions as well as ary- lation of enolate, ortho-arylation of phenol and carbonylation.

This paper introduces the identification items and methods of the digital pincers phase volt-ampere meter. 介绍了数字钳形相位伏安表的检定项目及其检定方法。
This paper introduces the major procedures and the methods of making the CAI courseware of "Analysis of Molding dies Structures" by Director 8 0 and of how to realise user interface control by Lingo language 介绍了用 Director8.0制作《冲模结构分析》CAI课件的主要步骤和方法以及如何利用 L ingo语言编程实现用户交互式控制
This paper introduces the mechanism of buffer overflow and the defender FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher). 本文介绍了缓冲区溢出的机理和作者所设计的 FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher) .
This paper introduces the principle and progress of the ESP Electromagnetic Rapping control system , and the method of exploiting Electromagnetic Rapping control system based on PLC。 本文介绍了电除尘器电磁振打控制系统的基本原理,阐述了基于可编程控制器(PLC)开发电磁振打控制系统的实现方法。
This paper introduces the principle of undoing operation in D-Medeler solid modeling system which uses B-rep,as the main representation scheme of solids. 回退操作是以边界表示法为主的实体造型系统 D-Modeler中的一个重要操作;
This paper introduces the salt assistance to Pd-catalyzed Suzuki, Heck, Stille and Sonogashira reactions as well as ary- lation of enolate, ortho-arylation of phenol and carbonylation. 介绍了铯盐在钯催化的Suzuki,Heck,Stille,Sonogashira反应,烯醇盐的芳基化,酚类的邻位芳基化以及羰基化反应中的促进作用.
This paper introduces the struction of PVC_SG type water proof crimped materials and the appl ication at dyke seepage control and joining of waterproof crimped materials and paving methods. 介绍了PVC-SG型防水卷材的结构及其在堤防防渗上的应用以及防水卷材的连结和铺设方法。
This paper introduces the thesis of the indeterminacy of translation proposed by the American philosopher Willard V.O. 本文详细介绍了美国哲学家威拉德·奎因关于“翻译的不确定性”的观点及奎因认为导致“翻译的不确定性”的两个原因 :意义的不确定性和指称的不可测知性。
This paper introduces the variation of current with time for LC Aluminum alloy samples between insides of the stress corrosive cracking and outside of free surface in .% NaCl solution. 研究了 LC铝合金在 .% Nacl水溶液中 ,应力腐蚀裂纹尖端区域与内部其它各样块之间 ,裂纹尖端区域与外自由表面之间电流随时间的变化 .
This paper introduces the work principle and program method of DS 0 trickle charge timekeeping chip. 本文介绍了DS 0日历时钟芯片的工作原理和编程方法。
This paper introduces the working theory, hard- ware interface and communication protocol of GPS-OEM board,for example GPSLVS of GARMIN Company. Make a discussion of the method of developing GPS receiver based on GPS-OEM board and Singlechip. 本文以GARMIN公司GPSLVSOEM板为例,介绍了GPS-OEM板的工作原理和通信协议,讨论了基于单片机和OEM板开发简单的GPS接收机系统的方法。

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