It is a measure of this country's virulent opium trade, which has helped revive the Taliban while corroding the credibility of the Afghan government, that American officials hope that Afghanistan's drug problem will someday be only as bad as that of Colom
这个国家的剧毒的鸦片的交易是可以算出具体数量的,在塔利班腐蚀阿富汗政府的可信性的时候它帮助了塔利班的复苏,美国警方只能够希望将来阿富汗的毒品问题能够不比哥伦比亚的更坏就不错了。 |
It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential.
它是具有无限潜力的医药百宝箱。 |
It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray.
它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 |
It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence.
它是女神和男神的结合、创造了万物的宇宙能量就在存在的实物里面。 |
It is a message about tolerance for those who are different, the real meaning of Christmas and the temptations of commercializing the holiday beyond recognition.
它想要告诉大家,人们应该相互理解,要领会圣诞节的真正意思,并防止圣诞节的商业化。 |
It is a milestone for sure but is this a cause for celebration or anxiety?
这确实是一个里程碑,但这是庆祝或担忧的理由吗? |
It is a milestone in the cultural development of history.
这是文化发展中所必经的历程。 |
It is a misconception that Benjamin Franklin solved the puzzle when he conducted his famous kite experiment in 1752.
许多人都误以为,闪电之谜已于1752年由富兰克林用家喻户晓的风筝实验解开了。 |
It is a mistake on our part and if they would feel more comfortable removing the teeth from future printings, they may do so.
这是我们的错误,如果他们(编辑或画者)觉得方便修改的话,他们也许会在下一版的图画中去掉那些牙齿的。 |
It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery.
把奇怪和神秘混为一谈,这是错误的。 |
It is a mistake to suppose that all care is wakeful.
认为有忧愁一定不能睡觉,是一种误解。 |