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His daughter is a saucy tomboy.

His dark eyes,in which the whole of his long-lost youth seemed to have centered,and which contrasted strangely with his snow white hair,gazed calmly an the sights around him or peered into the town below as it lay before him,bathed in the haze of sunset. 他那双黑眼睛好像凝聚着早已逝去的全部青春,与雪白的头发相映衬,显的很不一般;这双眼睛平静地凝视着周围的景色,或是俯视着前面地处那座被晚霞笼罩着的小城.
His dating experience was rich and colorful: roaming around in the hidden streets of Paris; exploring and adventuring Budapest; skating in Chicago; and skiing in Vancouver, etc. 他的约会经历可谓丰富多彩:漫游法国巴黎大街小巷;在匈牙利布达佩斯探险;在美国芝加哥滑冰;与在加拿大温哥华滑雪等等。
His daughter Elizabeth is a writer, editor and historian. 他的女儿伊丽莎白是一个作家,编辑,和历史学家。
His daughter Wang Ya an said her father never regretted o osing the military's June 1989 crackdown. 他的女儿王雁南表示父亲从没后悔反对八九年六四的军事镇压。
His daughter Wang Yannan said her father never regretted opposing the military's June 1989 crackdown. 他的女儿王雁南表示父亲从没后悔反对八九年六四的军事镇压。
His daughter is a saucy tomboy. 他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。
His daughter is a wilful child. 他女儿是一个任性的孩子。
His daughter is coming next month to teach at our school. 他的女儿下个月来我们的学校教书。
His daughter is fourteen years old. 他的女儿十四岁了。
His daughter is sick again; nothing she eats will stay down. 他的女儿又病了,不论吃什么东西都吐出来。
His daughter kept on at him to buy her a personal computer. 她女儿一再要求他给她买一台个人电脑。

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