The results showed that sleeping less than eight hours at night, frequent nightmares and difficulty initiating sleep were significantly associated with drinking.
研究结果显示,一晚上睡觉少于8小时,经常做恶梦以及难以入睡的青少年,与酗酒间有十分紧密的联系。 |
The results showed that soil erosion were found affecting 29.83% of the total land area or 55.94% of the cultivated area, resulting in the loss of 9.1674 million tons of soil from the surface layer of the land, which has already seriously affected the lif
结果表明,该地区国土面积的29.83%、耕地面积的55.94%己经产生了水土流失,年流失表土层总量达916.74万t,已对当地人民的生产生活产生了严重影响。 |
The results showed that soil surface resistance often increased with evaporation time and cumulative evaporation, but the relation might be changed by variation of difference of vapour pressure between evaporating plane and atmosphere; difference of vapou
结果表明,土壤表面阻力总趋势是随蒸发时间的延长和累积蒸发量的增加而增大,但这种关系有可能被土壤蒸发面和大气间水汽压差的改变所打破,土壤蒸发面和大气间水汽压差是决定土壤表面阻力的主要因素之一。 |
The results showed that some antibacterial peptides were identified in different tissues of Japanese flounder.
牙鲆的多种组织中含有对细菌有抑制作用的抗菌肽。 |
The results showed that stem volume (V) and wood basic density (BD) were the most important traits in selection breeding for pulpwood of masson pine and, stand and individul selections shoud be based on the provenance selection.
结果表明,马尾松制浆造纸材的良种选育应以材积和木材基本密度作为主要指标,首先进行种源的选择,在此基础上进行林分和个体的选择。 |
The results showed that the A cinerarius populations were in aggregated pattern of distribution during tile three years in this district, but the aggregation degree as well as the spatial and quantitative distribution varied dynamically.
结果显示,3年中春尺蠖种群均为聚集分布,但聚集程度、种群空间分布和数量处于动态变化之中。 |
The results showed that the DAF-OD treatment system did solve not only the problems of technology, but also had a good removal effectiveness.
结果表明,该方法不仅解决了存在的技术问题,而且取得了较好的处理效果。 |
The results showed that the adding of appropriate active agent (stearate) during the grind process can reduce the glass powder size and size distribution.
结果表明,在玻璃粉的制备过程中,加入适量的活性剂(硬脂酸盐),可以大大降低玻璃粉的粒径和粒径分布范围。 |
The results showed that the addition of boracic acid can increase the oxidation resistance and tensile strength of the flexible graphite, however, it has few effect on the other properties of the flexible graphite.
实验表明,添加剂硼酸使柔性石墨材料在抗氧化性方面具有明显的优越性,抗拉强度有所增加,而对其它性能的影响不大。 |
The results showed that the analysis of isotope could restore the main food component into such type as C3 plants, C4 plants, animals or sea food, furthermore the analysis of trace element could identify the concrete plant or animal.
研究结果表明同位素分析结果能够揭示当时人的食物到底以C3植物、C4植物、食草动物、海产资源的哪个为主这一问题,而微量元素分析结果能够在同位素分析所分类的大类型中,进一步探讨具体的动植物种类。 |
The results showed that the best water management pattern of Fuji apple orchard was wheat straw mulching under low annual precipitation and grass planting under high annual precipitation.The comprehensive analysis was carried out on effects of different w
结果表明,在干旱年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以秸秆覆盖方式最佳,在多雨年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以果园种植白三叶草方式最佳;并综合分析了不同降水年型不同水分管理模式对红富士苹果产量的影响,不同水分管理模式对果园土壤含水量和土壤有机质的影响及不同水分管理模式对红富士苹果生长状况、外观品质、内在品质的影响。 |