Not only applicable to all vehicle body, but also it can be used for the decontamination and polishing of other metal products.
不仅适用于各种汽车车身,而且可用于其他各种金属制品的去污和抛光。 |
Not only are Martian volcanoes huge, they are surprisingly complex.
火星上的火山不仅巨大,而且出奇复杂。 |
Not only are Mr Sarkozy's numbers edging down; but also Ms Royal's seem to be reviving.
不仅萨尔科奇的票数渐进佳境,罗亚尔女士似乎也逐渐找回状态。 |
Not only are more people working, but the work week has crept up, and hourly earnings are trending higher.
这不仅仅意味着更多就业机会,同时也意味着(工作时间)的提高及每小时薪资的增加。 |
Not only are our sins forgiven but we live in hope of reigning as kings and priests on earth with him when he returns.
不但我们的罪得到了赦免,而且我们还生活在盼望中,盼望我们在耶稣复临的时候能够和他一同做王做祭司,在地上执掌王权。 |
Not only are some health fears misguided but coffee can actually reduce the chances of developing illnesses such as Parkinson's disease or diabetes.
咖啡非但部分健康疑虑是出于误导,实际上还能降低罹患某些慢性病的机率,如帕金森氏症或糖尿病。 |
Not only are the Red Wizards involved in it, but Mur Vhol himself is as well.
因为不仅仅有红法师参与了,包括莫?哈尔。 |
Not only are the cognitive contents of the subuniverse esoteric, but even the existence of the subuniverse and of the collectivity that sustains it may be a secret.
不只次领域中秘传的认知内容保密,连其本身的、集体的存在都是秘密。 |
Not only are these myths integrated into the narration but they also form the main structural thread of the novel.
这些神话元素融入小说叙事,以致构成小说的结构主线。 |
Not only are they congested, they are aged.
这些聚落不仅拥挤,而且很古老。 |
Not only are they more likely to be born prematurely and underweight, but there is also a greater risk that they will be stillborn or with a disability.
这些双胞胎出生时不仅更有可能发育不成熟及体重过轻,而且他们发生死产或残疾的风险也更大。 |