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At the Quidditch World Cup, Draco was treated to a seat in the Top Box by his parents.

At the Olympic Games, he created a new world record. 奥运会上,他创造了新的世界纪录。
At the PID level, streams can be reordered and combined back into another MPTS.This process is referred to as remultiplexing. 在PID级上,数据流可以重新定次序,再合并到另一个MPTS中,这个过程被看作重新多路复用。
At the Party's Eighth National Congress Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized this point in his speech. 在党的第八次全国代表大会上,毛泽东同志讲话中着重讲了这个问题。
At the Place du Brésil a lavender eye. 在巴西广场有一只淡紫色的眼睛。
At the Post Office: Learning vocabulary to do with the postal service: sending a parcel , express delivery , registered mail , metered mail , stamp collecting. 学习与邮政业务相关的词汇,如发送邮包、特快专递、挂号邮件、邮资总付邮件、集邮等。
At the Quidditch World Cup, Draco was treated to a seat in the Top Box by his parents. 在魁地奇世界杯上,德拉科的父母让他享受了顶层包厢的座位。
At the RRM store in NY, we have played DSD recordings for thousands of people during the last four years. 在纽约的RRM(红玫瑰)商店,我们在最近四年期间有为数以千计人们播放DSD录音。
At the Reward, one Survivor works diligently to solidify an alliance. 在奖励赛,为了巩固联盟,一个幸存者作出不懈的努力。
At the SEATTLE AIRPORT, Sam is seeing Victoria off. (在西雅图机场,山姆在为维多利亚送行。)
At the SETI Institute, scientists search the skies for radio signals coming from outer space, hoping to detect some sort of intelligent communication. 在SETI机构,科学家搜寻天际间从太空传来的无线电信号,希望能探测出某种高智慧的通讯方式。
At the San Francisco Department of the Environment, the staff lead by example, recycling in creative ways and even commuting to work by bicycle. 旧金山环保局官员负责提升这些政策,员工也树立典範,发明资源再利用的方法、甚至还骑脚踏车上班。

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