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Now, Mr. Tulkinghorn is, in a manner, part and parcel of the place.

Now, I'm off to play my doubles match with Maureen Drake. I'll check in with you all later. 现在,我要离开和德雷克去打双打比赛了,我稍后会来报道的。
Now, I've got to go back to my Showbiz career as there are tons of activities coming up and guess what??? 现在,我必须回到我的演绎道路上,那里有许多的活动要开始,猜猜看是什麽???
Now, JianXin Carpentry Factory has already been loved by many people of different fields, so we will expand the business market continuously to provide customers of every place our high quality products and service. 今日,健新办公家具已广受各业界人士的喜爱,本着广大客户的大力支持,我们将不断扩大市场,让各地客户都能够享受我们提供的优质家具与服务。
Now, Let's talk about it. 今天,我们就来谈一谈这个话题。
Now, Microsoft will release the patch a week early. 现在微软公司已经比预期时间早1个星期解决这个问题。
Now, Mr. Tulkinghorn is, in a manner, part and parcel of the place. 原来,从某种意义来说,图金霍恩先生是和这个地方分不开的。
Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not. 8王阿,现在求你立这禁令,加盖玉玺,使禁令决不更改。照玛代和波斯人的例是不可更改的。
Now, O king, establish the edict and sign the writing, so that it is not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot pass away. 8王阿,现在求你立这禁令,签署这文书,使禁令绝不更改,照玛代人和波斯人的法例,是不可废除的。
Now, Professor Kang Xiaoguang, an outspoken scholar at Beijing's Renmin University, argues that Confucianism should become China's state religion. 现在,北京人民大学的一位坦率直言的教授——学者康晓光坚持认为儒家学说应成为中国国教。
Now, Pudong has become one of Shanghai's tourist attractions. 如今,浦东已成为上海的一大旅游景观。
Now, SQ series laser machines, laser engraving &cutting machine, laser subsurface engraving machine, laser handicraft cutting machine, (nonmetal materials) laser marking machine, laser seals engraving machine and photosensitive seal machine have been deep 现成型在销的激光神切系列机、激光雕刻切割机、激光内雕机、激光工艺品雕刻机、(非)金属打标机、激光印章雕刻机、光敏印章机等设备深受海内外业内人士的欢迎,并已远销东亚、东南亚、西亚、东欧等地。

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