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His machine produces a sense of disorientation to its occupant, and a blurring or faintness of the surroundings outside the machine.

His luck is on the turn. 他时来运转了.
His luck seemed to have run out. 他的好运似乎结束了。
His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources. 他的疯癫的反现实的艺术比从可靠的来源得来的平凡的有威严的消息更能引起我们的兴趣。
His lungs seem to be congested, doctor. 医生,他的肺似乎是充血的。
His lust for power will never be satisfied. 他的权力欲永不能得到满足。
His machine produces a sense of disorientation to its occupant, and a blurring or faintness of the surroundings outside the machine. 但他的机器使得他对于外在的世界产生了一种迷失、模糊和晕眩感。
His magisterial study of Roman law is likely to be the standard book on the subject for many years. 他对罗马律法的权威性研究可能是多年来论述这个问题的典範性作品。
His magnificent ideas had a great influence on me. 他崇高的思想对我产生过巨大的影响。
His main aim was to save people. 他的主要目的是救人。
His main chance of converting his government's minority status into a majority at the next election lies in picking up more seats in the province. 因为如果他想要在下次选举中改变自己党在议会中只占少数的状况,他必须在魁北克省赢得更多的席位。
His main contribution is in the development of artificial materials—nylons (synthetic polymer fiber). 主要贡献在于人造材料的研发--尼龙(合成的聚合纤维)。

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