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For instance, in the above case the methyl ethyl phenylmalonate may be accompanied by the products formed by ester-interchange reactions, namely the dimethyl and diethyl phenylmalonates.

For instance, in 1998 the patent office granted an application for a method of charging more for a product for which demand fluctuates little in response to a price change. 举例来说,1998年专利局核发过一份专利,内容是为那些功能对售价产生不了什麽影响的产品制定更高价格的方法。
For instance, in English it was linked to a problem with manipulating sounds, while in Hungarian the major difficulty is with short-term memory. 比方说,英文可能出现的问题是熟练地运用声音,然而匈牙利语最大的困难是短期记忆的问题。
For instance, in citing quoted passages from the primary text under discussion, the first reference should include full title, place and date of publication, and a page citation; thereafter, only the page citation is necessary. 例如,如果要引用原文的某些段落,第一次提及时应该包括完整的标题、出版的地点和时间以及引文所在的页码;其后则只用标明引文页码即可。
For instance, in late rice, the application of the first 60 kg/ha K2O adds 528 kg/ha to the rice yield. 例如,晚稻每公顷开始施用60公斤氧化钾(K2O)时,产量增加528公斤/公顷。
For instance, in learning a phone number you can simply memorize it, using declarative learning, and can then recall it whenever needed, Poldrack explained. 例如,运用叙述式学习方式,你可以简单地记住一个电话号码,并在以后需要的时候回忆起它,波特拉克解释到。
For instance, in the above case the methyl ethyl phenylmalonate may be accompanied by the products formed by ester-interchange reactions, namely the dimethyl and diethyl phenylmalonates. 比如在上面的例子中,甲基乙基苯基丙二酸酯伴随有酯交换反应形成的产品,也就是二甲基苯基丙二酸酯和二乙基苯基丙二酸酯。
For instance, in the above example, the big killmay come to be legitimated as a deed of divine fugures and any human repetition of it as an imitation of the mythological prototype. 例如,在以上的例子中,这个独自屠杀将会被合法化成一个非凡的行为,并且任何人重复这个模仿神话模範的行为。
For instance, instead of steroid for vasculitis, anticoagulant is used for APS. 是否能及时诊断并治疗、预防栓塞的复发,对病患的预后有重大的影响。
For instance, interplanting commercial crops, winter or early spring vegetables in interplanting space of wheat-maize rotation before maize seeding can increase returns significantly. 例如,在小麦玉米轮作中玉米播种前在套种带中插套经济作物、冬前和早春蔬菜可显著增加收入。
For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. 例如,它增加了我国本来效率不高的运输系统的负担。
For instance, it doesn't include investment by real-estate developers that are nominally private but often act as agents for local authorities. 比如说,这个数字没有包括房地产开发的投资,这些投资是地方当局机构以私人的名义进行的。

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