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Finely ground and highly spiced meat, fish, or poultry that is served alone or used in stuffing.

Fine.let's get together again next week. 好吧,那就下周再聚会了。
Fine/OK/Not bad, thank you. 很好,不错。
Finely chop garlic. Extract half the garlic to make juice. Deep fry the rest until golden brown. 蒜头剁成茸,用一半分量榨成蒜汁﹔另一半蒜茸用油炸成金蒜。
Finely chopped meat. 肉末切得很碎的肉
Finely cut straw or hay used as fodder. 草料切碎的用作饲料的稻草或干草
Finely ground and highly spiced meat, fish, or poultry that is served alone or used in stuffing. 五香碎肉单独使用或用作填料的细细地切过并加很多香料的肉、鱼或家禽
Finely roasted high grade coffee beans, meticulously brewed to perfection and carefully blended with non-dairy creamer to capture all the robust aroma, a richer taste, creamier and more satisfying. 香烤高级咖啡豆,精心酿制,细心调以优质脱脂奶精,诱人香味,尽在其中。入口香浓幼滑,令人心满意足。
Finer strands pulled out using smudge tool and 1 pixel hard brush. The pressure is varied constantly. 应用手指工具和1象素的硬笔刷使头发纠结在一起。压力要不断的变化。
Fines were introduced for owners of dogs that defecated on the street or were found unchained. 狗主人若未能清除自家狗在街道上的排泄物或者没能套上狗链都将被罚款。
Finest arrested eight persons who counterfeit and vend the university matriculate advice note at the first of this month. 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人.
Finest house on the whole river,’ cried Toad boisterously. ‘Or anywhere else, for that matter,’ he could not help adding. “蟾儿,让咱们先安静地坐一会儿吧!”河鼠说,一屁股坐在一张扶手椅上。鼹鼠坐在他旁边的另一张扶手椅上、说了几句客气话,赞美蟾蜍那“可爱的住宅”。

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