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S: Sorry again. Is universal love possible?

S: Perhaps I'm asking too much. I merely wish to be on the safe side. 史:可能我的要求太过分了。我只是想办事要稳当一些。
S: Please wait a moment. I'll calculate the fare and get your money back. Now, please fill in this refund form and sign here. 销售:请您稍等。我来计算票价然后帮您退款。现在请您填写退票单,在这里签字。
S: Same here. It's even better if I weren't in this god-forsaken place. 我也一样,如果我能不待在这鸟不拉屎荒无人烟的地方的话那就更好了。
S: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It's being staged by a famous British theatrical troupe. 是莎士比亚的《罗米欧与朱丽叶》。由英国著名的剧团演出。
S: So you felt like being an actor at the beginning. 那从一开始你就觉得你是个演员。
S: Sorry again. Is universal love possible? (再次抱歉。博爱是可能的吗?)
S: Such as the weather, situation, and so on. (例如气候、地理位置等。)
S: Take your hands off me, you skunk! 斯:把你的手拿开,恶棍!
S: That seems rather unfair. 听起来有些不公平。
S: That won't do. You see, our margin of profit is very narrow. It simply can't stand such a big cut. 史:这不行。你知道我方利润额很小,再经不起大幅度削价了。
S: The court will collect the judgment for the winner, doesn't it? 法庭将会为胜诉一方执行判决,难道不是吗?

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