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The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.

The Lethal Dose 50 test (LD50) may also be replaced. 药剂致死剂量50(LD50)试验也可以被代替。
The Letter of Credit in due form must reach the Seller at least 30 days beforeshipment. 最终正式形成的信用证需在装运前30天到达卖方。
The Levite agreed to live with the man, and the young man became to him like one of his sons. 士17:11利未人情愿与那人同住.那人看这少年人如自己的儿子一样。
The Levites always have the right to redeem their houses in the Levitical towns, which they possess. 32然而利未人所得为业的城邑,其中的房屋,利未人可以随时赎回。
The Levites calmed all the people, saying, Be still, for this is a sacred day. Do not grieve. 11于是利未人使众民静默,说,今日是圣日。不要作声,也不要忧愁。
The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 28利未的子孙照摩西的话行了。那一天百姓中被杀的约有三千。
The Levites who went far from me when Israel went astray and who wandered from me after their idols must bear the consequences of their sin. 10当以色列人走迷的时候,有利未人远离我,就是走迷离开我,随从他们的偶像,他们必担当自己的罪孽。
The Levites, however, do not get a portion among you, because the priestly service of the LORD is their inheritance. 7利未人在你们中间没有分,因为供耶和华祭司的职任就是他们的产业。
The Liapunoff oscillation stability theory is used to investigate the stable cross section of surge chamber in hydropower stations working in electric system.The method for determination of stable section is proposed for chamber design. 金秋十月,我们在成都举办全国水电农村电气化标准宣贯班,这是今年水电农村电气化工作中的一件大事.
The Liberal Democrat commission on tax policy worried in August about inter-generational unfairness too. 今年8月,自由民主党税收政策委员会也对两代人之间的不公平表示了担忧。
The Liberal Party has a majority in the House. 自由党在议院中占多数。

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