If the output is no larger than the input, a filter might process the data [i]in place[/i], without copying it to a new sample.
如果输出数据量没有输入的大,过滤器可以直接修改样本上的数据,传到下一个过滤器。 |
If the output is no larger than the input, a filter might process the data in place, without copying it to a new sample.
如果输出数据量没有输入的大,过滤器可以直接修改样本上的数据,传到下一个过滤器。 |
If the output-to-input ratio increases by using an activity of merger and acquisition, this activity will be probable.
如果石油企业通过并购活动提高投入产出比,那么该并购项目就是可行的;否则,该项目就是不可行的。 |
If the owner proves that the pollution damage resulted wholly or partially either from an act or omission done with intent to cause damage by the person who suffered the damage or from the negligence of that person, the owner may be exonerated wholly or p
如船舶所有人证明,污染损害完全或部分地由于蒙受损害人蓄意造成损害的行为或怠慢失职而引起,或是由于该人的疏忽所造成,则该船舶所有人即可全部或部分地免除对该人所负的责任。 |
If the owners of foreigners' private houses are unable to go through, personally, the registration procedures for the transfer of ownership or for other changes of the said houses, they may appoint agents or Chinese attorneys at law to handle the case; an
五、外国人私有房屋所有人不能亲自办理房屋所有权登记或转移、变更登记手续时,可以委托代理人或中国律师代为办理,委托代理应由本人出具委托书。 |
If the ox falls, whet your knife.
牛一倒,快磨刀;人遭难,众人踩。 |
If the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant; he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.
32牛若触了奴仆或是婢女,必将银子三十舍客勒给他们的主人,也要用石头把牛打死。 |
If the pages or cover are damaged, be sure to take time to repair them.
书籍如果有残缺或破损,就随时把它修补好。 |
If the paint becomes too thick (e.g. in cold weather) or low film thickness is required (e.g. sealer), thinners in product data sheet can be used during application to obtain good performances.
如果油漆变得过稠(如:天气寒冷)或要求的漆膜厚度很低(如:封闭漆)可在施工时采用产品说明书上指明的稀释剂适当调配,以取得良好的效果。 |
If the paper is put in wrongly, the printer does not print at all.
如果纸张放错了,打印机就根本不打印。 |
If the paper sticks, flex the piece to loosen it, or soak in water.
如果纸粘住了,弯曲软陶已弄松它,或者在水里浸泡。 |