I could not but look upon these registers of existence, whether of brass or marble, as a kind of satire upon the departed persons; who had left no other memorial of them, but that they were born and that they died.
我无从查证墓碑上印刻着的含义;黄铜的也好,大理石的也罢,都默默地矗立在死者的坟堆上,没有留下其他的哀思和悼念,像是一种晦涩的讽刺,暗示着人们:他们由生开始,以死结束。。。。。。 |
I could not but tell him about it.
我不得不告诉他这件事。 |
I could not contain my laughter.
我无法克制不笑出声来。 |
I could not convince him , try as I might .
我无论用什么样的办法也不能说服他。 |
I could not dance with you till the cows come home.On second thoughts,I would rather dance with the cow till you came home !
母牛回家之前我不会和你跳舞,换句话说,你回家前我宁愿母牛跳舞! |
I could not endure the insolence of his behaviour.
我不能再忍受他那傲慢无礼的行为了。 |
I could not follow the story. Finally, I threw the book across the room and began to think only about the happenings of the day.
我不能跟著故事走。最后,我把书丢出房间,开始只去想今天所发生的事。 |
I could not get even one ticket since all the seats were booked up.
我一张票也弄不到,所有的座位都已预定一空。 |
I could not get in anyhow.
我无论怎样也进不去。 |
I could not have imagined a better companion.
我想像不出还有比他更好的伴侣。 |
I could not hear a sound, not even the drawing of a breath, and yet I knew that my companion sat open-eyed, within a few feet of me, in the same state of nervous tension in which I was myself.
我听不到任何声音,即使是呼吸的声音也听不到,我知道我同伴就在我几尺外睁着眼坐着,跟我一样处于紧张的状态。 |