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The monument was built to commemorate the victory.

The monthly report to the client shows zero schedule variance. 给客户的月席报告表明进度偏差为零。
The months came and went, and back and forth they twisted through the uncharted vastness, where no men were and yet where men had been if the Lost Cabin were true. 时间一个月一个月地过去,他们穿行在地图上没标过的荒山野岭中,这里渺无人烟,但要是那个不明小屋确实存在的话,那一定有人到过这里。
The monument is in honor of a scientist. 那座纪念碑是为纪念一位科学家而建的。
The monument overlooks the square. 纪念碑高耸在广场之上。
The monument showing both pesetas and euros was inaugurated Thursday, the last day on which the peseta will exist as legal tender. 这个同时铸有西币和欧元的纪念碑于周四启用,当日即西币作为官方货币的最后一天。
The monument was built to commemorate the victory. 立纪念碑是为了纪念胜利的。
The monument was erected in honor of the eminent philosopher. 树立该座纪念碑是为了向那位卓越的哲学家致敬。
The monument was erected in honour of the soldiers who died for the country. 这座纪念碑是纪念为国牺牲的士兵而建立的。
The monument was fronted with stone. 纪念碑的正面是石料做的.
The monuments on the Acropolis reflect the successive phases of the city”s history. 卫城的古迹反映了这个城市历史上的连续时期。
The mood among Taiwan fans watching the game at home was somber, compared with the jubilation of yesterday, after a surprise upset of South Korea. 这个结果让数万名在台湾观赛的球迷心情低落,这与昨日逆转胜韩国时的欢腾形成强烈对比。

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