A typical solution is to simplify it.
简化是处理管理复杂性的一种基本思路。 |
A typical stop-go cycle starts with a localised increase in demand, which in turn leads to higher wages, lost competitiveness and finally to a protracted downturn.
这种周期以本土需求增长肇始,然后是高工资、低竞争力,最后以衰退告终。 |
A typical timing belt is made of neoprene (synthetic rubber) reinforced with fiberglass.
一条典型的正时皮带由用玻璃纤维加强的氯丁橡胶(合成橡胶)做成的。 |
A typology of experts (what contemporary social workers call a referral guide) is thus part of the generally relevant and accessible stock of knowledge, while the knowledge that constitutes expertise is not.
专家的类型学(社工的转介工作)是接近知识仓储以及与知识仓储普遍相关的一部分,然而知识建构的专业却不是如此。 |
A tyre burst during the second run.
在第二段赛程中一只轮胎爆了。 |
A tyre expands when you pump air into it.
轮胎一打气就鼓起来. |
A ual government deficit must not exceed 3 per cent of GDP.
每年政府的财政赤字必须低于国内生产总值的3%。 |
A ual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees.
部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。 |
A ume the reader is a knowledgeable layman.
要假设合同的读者是一个受过教育的外行。 |
A uniaxial hot-pressing test and a physical modeling simulation are performed to investigate the orientational alignment of crystals, and a new attempt to strengthen mica glass-ceramics is made.
摘要利用单轴热压变形物理模型进行实验类比,对强化云母微晶玻璃的新途径-晶体定向排列进行了研究。 |
A unicellular protoctist of the phylum Ciliophora, whose members are usually covered in short undulipodia (cilia) and have two different kinds of nuclei, micronuclei and macronuclei.
2纤毛虫:纤毛虫纲的一类原生单细胞生物。该类生物具有短的纤毛,还具有两个细胞核,一个是大核,另一个是小核。 |