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At first glance, it might seem that the U.S. president, as leader of the free world,is the rulerof America.

At first glance the problem seemed easy. 乍一看问题似乎很容易解决.
At first glance the traffic, the crowds, the vastness and the chaotic rhythm of Cairo can be overwhelming. 乍一看,开罗的交通、人群、广袤以及无序的节奏可能会令人应接不暇。
At first glance, a big brain's function seems simple: to think big thoughts. 乍看之下,大脑袋的功能似乎很简单,就是用来想大问题。
At first glance, because the sheer thought of a 7-footer playing in an Asian American tournament borders on blasphemy, people tend to estimate his height at 6'8, then 6'9, then maybe ok 6'10. 考虑到美国亚裔邀请赛里面会有7尺长人的可能几乎为零,很多人一眼望过来都目测他的身高只有6尺8,然后6尺9,最多6尺10。
At first glance, it may seem that this solution is rational. But my second thought tells me otherwise. 乍一看,这种方案似乎非常合理。但是,重新考虑之后,我得出了不同的结论。
At first glance, it might seem that the U.S. president, as leader of the free world,is the rulerof America. 乍看之下,身为「自由世界领袖」的美国总统似乎是美国的「统治者」。
At first glance, mutual funds seem to present a dizzying array of products geared to just about every possible investment need. 最初浏览,共同基金看起来好象是能够把所有可能投资需要连接起来的一簇产品集合,就象一簇光线一样令人有些迷惑。
At first glance, the success of market economies is puzzling. 乍一看,市场经济的成功是一个谜。
At first glance, the swaggering skyscrapers and grid-patterned streetscapes of Montreal could pass for any North American city. 乍看蒙特利尔那气派的摩天大楼与网格状的街景,你会觉得它同任何一个北美城市没什么区别。
At first glance, these walls are just an unsightly mess of photographs. 第一眼看上去,这些墙壁只是很不好看的一堆照片。
At first glance, this course is far from inviting. 乍一看,这一途径毫无吸引力。

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