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We're too weak to open the door.

We're through. 我们完了!
We're through! You have too many bad habits. 我们吹了,你的恶习太多了!
We're told the two had in-depth discussions about the crisis. 我们获悉他们就这场危机进行了深入的讨论。
We're too busy to take a long vacation this year, not to mention the fact that we can't afford it. 且不说出外度一个长假的费用太大,就连多余的时间也没有。
We're too busy, so the boss will hire another person to help. 我们太忙了,所以老板会雇用另一个人来帮忙。
We're too weak to open the door. 我们身体太弱了,以至于打不开门。
We're traveling to Honolulu. 我们要到火奴鲁鲁。
We're trying mosaics that we've never done before, and a lot of intricate movement between the spacecraft and the pivot that the camera sits on. 我们正在尝试一些我们以前没有尝试过的拼接工作,以及许多在照相机所在的空间器和枢轴之间的复杂运动。
We're trying to encourage team spirit. (我们力图鼓励团队合作精神。)
We're trying to plan our future. 我们在试着安排我们的未来。
We're trying to put pressure on the government to change the law. 我们试图对政府施加压力使其改变这一法令。

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