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The Mirror says Kapo was in talks to sign on loan, but interest in him from a couple of Spanish clubs made Brum boss Steve Bruce opt to make a £2million offer.

The Minstrel's Songs That Increase Group Attack Speed Or Damage Per Second Have Their Values Increase. 使诗人歌曲所增加攻击速度或攻击伤害数值提升。
The Minstrel's Songs That Increase Group Combat Skills Or Casting Techniques Have Their Values Increase. 使诗人团队歌曲所增加战斗技巧、或施法能力数值提升。
The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists. 她们是政治活动家米拉贝尔?米纳娃,帕特里娅,和马利娅特里萨。
The Miracle of Aggregation and Enlightened Preferences (Is Anyone Right? 10总合与开明偏爱的奇迹(有谁是对的?)
The Mirror says Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is short of cover in defence after Asier Del Horno\'s red card in Wednesday\'s first-leg defeat by the Spaniards. 据镜报说,在周三的输给西班牙人的首轮球赛上,蓝军的德尔奥尔诺被罚红牌,切尔西主帅穆里尼奥此时感到急需加强防卫实力。
The Mirror says Kapo was in talks to sign on loan, but interest in him from a couple of Spanish clubs made Brum boss Steve Bruce opt to make a £2million offer. 报道卡波在谈判会上签署租借条款,但是还有二个西班牙俱乐部对他感兴趣伯明翰老板斯蒂夫·保鲁齐只提出了200英镑的报价。
The Mirror says Liverpool had an initial bid of £3m turned down by City manager Steve Bruce, but last night Benitez went back with double that amount and Birmingham - relegated from the Premiership last season - had little option but to reluctantly accept 镜报透露,利物浦首次300万报价被布鲁斯拒绝,不过当昨夜拉法(从西班牙)归来并给报价翻倍时,降级的他们除了接受别无选择.
The Miss America pageant has been held in Atlantic City since 1940. 自从1940年起,每年的美国小姐选美比赛都在亚特兰大市举办。
The Miss Browns are sisters. 布朗家的小姐们是姐妹。
The Missed Call Summary service captures these calls, when a customer becomes available they receive an SMS with the list of calls they missed, and this event can stimulate customers to make more calls. 呼叫丢失汇总服务就可以提供这些服务,当一个用户开机后便接收到短信,这短信表明被谁所呼叫,那么用户就可以通过呼叫丢失汇总的服务中得到更多的被呼叫丢失的号码。
The Misses Brown are sisters. 这几位布朗小姐是姊妹。

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